WHAT: Women in Distress of Broward County SAFEWALK-RUN 5K Presented by Ultimate Software
COST: $25: Adult (ages 18 and older); $35: Adult with dog (on leash); $15: Youth (ages 6-17); FREE: Kids 5 and under.
WHEN: Sat., Feb. 24, 2018; Registration begins at 7:30 am. Timed racing start to follow with walk/run beginning at 9 am.
WHERE: Nova Southeastern University, Davie FL. 3301 College Avenue, Davie, FL 33314
WHO: More than 800 walkers and runners are expected.
Registration is now open for all walkers and runners, and their four-legged friends. Proceeds help support the free and confidential services provided to women, children and men at Women In Distress of Broward County, the only nationally accredited, state-certified, full service domestic violence center serving Broward County.
More than 800 community members (and their furry friends) will take to the pavement to raise awareness about domestic violence and help WID reach its goal of raising $150,000, which can provide 1,500 nights of safe shelter for adults and children affected by domestic violence. Registration begins at 7:30 am. The event will kick off with a warm up, followed by timed race for runners and a more leisurely stroll for walkers, strollers and dogs (on leash) at 9:00am.
LEARN MORE: To register or to learn more, visit https://www.womenindistress.org/events/safewalk-run-5k-2018/
or call 954-760-9800 ext. 1245, MWilliams@womenindistress.org.