Interested students can learn more during a free virtual open house via Zoom from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, January 23. Attendees can learn about the classes, meet teaching artists, participate in or observe sample classes, ask questions and register to win a free class. An in-person tour of the Broward Center and Rose Miniaci Education Center will also be available. Details for in-person tours will be provided upon registering for the virtual open house.
The virtual open house schedule can be found here. To RSVP for the virtual open house, attendees must email registrar@BrowardCenter.org and include their name, or child’s name, and the class they would like to attend. Once registered, the Zoom link will be emailed with instructions on how to sign in. By registering to attend the open house, participants will be automatically entered to win a free class registration for the Winter/Spring 2021 semester. The winner will be notified on February 2, 2021.
For more information contact the Broward Center for the Performing Arts.