Live music, living art, cocktails, and artistic culinary fare. Join us as as we celebrate the 15th anniversary of the SMART Ride!
15th year, 14 Rides, $9.3 million raised, 100% given back to the community.
A celebration of the Ride, our agencies, and most importantly, YOU, all of the participants who have forever changed the lives of those living with AIDS/HIV throughout Florida.
In honor of this milestone, we are recognizing the following supporters for their contribution to the SMART Ride and to the community!
Chris Caputo – Agile Element
Kevin Clevenger – Poverello
Lorrie Cram – Children’s Diagnostic and Treatment Centers
Mark Hunter & Patrick Volkert – Hunters Nightclubs
Stephen Lang – Mark’s List
Leah Payne – 15 Year Cyclist on the SMART Ride
Joey Schroeder – Bourbon Street
Mike Trottier – Dettman Realty Group, LLC
Ticket Prices: General admission $100 • VIP admission $150
VIP Reception with honorees • 7pm