Stanley Lambchop is your ordinary, everyday, run-of-the-mill, ten-year-old: normal mom and dad, normal little brother, normal life. That’s just the problem… for Stanley, life is too normal. He wants to travel the world, do something amazing, something no one’s ever seen before. Careful what you wish for, Stanley! In a whirlwind musical travelogue, Stanley – the ultimate exchange student – scours the globe for a solution to his unusual problem. Stanley is closing in on his goal of being a three-dimensional boy once more!
Recommended grade levels: 2nd-4th.
Curriculum: ELA / SEL / Music.
Study guides for all of the Smart Stage Matinees will be available for download prior to each production.
Lap Tickets are available for purchase for children 12 months and under, only available at the Broward Center’s AutoNation Box Office. Everyone in the theater must have a ticket.