The SFSO is proud to present the world premiere of contemporary composer/pianist, Tom Hormel’s beautiful ballet, The Legend of Bird Mountain. His eclectic taste is evident in this foray into romantic music with a broad range of emotional energy that is driven by visits to Middle Eastern motifs.
Naumburg Competition winner, Tessa Lark, joins the Symphony to perform Korngold’s lush Violin Concerto on the 1683 “ex-Gingold” Stradivari violin. “Her combination of a rich, robust sound, even high in the register, technical control and phrasing that makes even the quickest presto seem unrushed, and a sense of surety seasoned with a distinctive personality, makes Lark stand out from America’s talented pack of young virtuosos. This is a special artist.” Milton Moore – The Day
Richard Strauss’ place in popular culture comes down to one rumbling giant of a fanfare: the 22-bar opening of his Also sprach Zarathustra. This 1896 orchestral work, inspired by Nietzsche’s philosophical novel of the same name, sky rocketed.
For more information, click on the event link.