ALAN B LEVAN | NSU BROWARD CENTER OF INNOVATION (Levan Center) to host South Florida Space Day on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
• The event will focus on trends, challenges, opportunities, and strategies of entrepreneurship within the space sector.
• Highlights will include keynote speakers, panels, seminars, an entrepreneur showcase, a business expo, networking opportunities and an entrepreneur pitch event.
• Lead exhibitors include NASA, the Space Foundation, Space Florida, and startups within the space sector
• Trends that will be explored include the following:
o Earth, inner, and outer space applications
o Technological advances creating expectations of more cost-effective space activities
o Increased private investment by investors who are new to space
o A global economy that is increasingly data dependent with diverse effects on space capabilities and markets
o Increasingly widely shared vision of space as transformative for humanity, and military/strategic developments around space as a crowded and valuable high ground
o Leading countries with space budgets include the U.S., China, Europe, Russia, India, Japan, France, Germany, and Italy
o Global space economy approaching $470 billion – fastest growth since 2014 – will become a trillion-dollar industry
o U.S. space economy is approaching $200 billion and 350,000 direct employment, and 1 million employees globally
o Lunar economy – Earth to moon
o Increased public/private partnerships between industry and government
o Market evolutions
o Technology disruptions
o Internationalization of space activity
o Commercialization of the space sector
o There has never been a more opportune time for entrepreneurs to launch and scale companies
• Goals for the event include:
o Planting the “space flag” in South Florida
o Creating a “collision station” bringing awareness and opportunities to the South Florida region to better support the growing space sector by connecting to the Florida Space Coast, national, and international space systems
o Promoting and recruiting for applications to the LEVL5: SPACE DOCK at NSU™ Ideate program
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
8:30AM: Doors open
8:30AM – 9:15AM: Registration and networking
9:15AM – 5:30PM: Event
Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation
3100 Ray Ferrero Jr. Blvd, Fifth floor, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314
DETAILS: This event is free and open to the public.
For more information and to register, visit www.LevanCenterSpaceDay.com