Celebrating 50 years of mystery-solving fun, Scooby-Doo! and The Lost City of Gold follows Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Fred, and Velma on a brand-new awe-inspiring journey. Created and directed by some of the biggest names in live entertainment and produced by the Montreal based production company Monlove, Scooby-Doo! and The Lost City of Gold ’’s original Concept, Book, Music & Lyrics will be created by Ella Louise Allaire & Martin Lord Ferguson the powerhouse behind many hit shows including Ice Age Live! A Mammoth Adventure. Don’t miss this completely original live entertainment spectacular that’s the first of its kind to combine cutting edge technology with exceptional music, puppetry, magic, singing, dance, interactive audience response video, aerial arts and video mapping. Lap Tickets are available for purchase for children 12 months and under and only available at the AutoNation Box Office. Everyone entering the theater must have a ticket. |
VIP Packages Available:
JINKIES! Scooby-Doo Ultimate VIP Pre-Party Pass
ZOINKS! Scooby-Doo Premium VIP Package