America: the land of the free, but just how far does freedom extend for women in this country? The debate regarding reproductive freedom in the United States has persisted for five decades. Roe v. Wade was a 1973 landmark decision that affirmed a right to an abortion before fetal viability, generally understood by experts in present times to mean 24 weeks of pregnancy. For 50 years, the precedent held that states may not impose restrictions on abortion earlier than the viability standard. However, on June 24, the Supreme Court upheld a Mississippi abortion ban in the case Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, overturning the historic Roe. V. Wade ruling and leaving it up to states to determine whether abortion will be legal or not.
With Florida governor Ron DeSantis recently imposing a law banning abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, what does this mean for the future of reproductive rights in Florida? Which has more rights: a woman or an unwanted pregnancy? Who controls women’s bodies? What would be the best policy for Florida given where we are today? What are the religious implications with different faiths? Will there be accountability for men who cause unwanted pregnancies?