ALAN B. LEVAN | NSU BROWARD CENTER OF INNOVATION (Levan Center) to host public Open House highlighting it’s unique and one-of-a-kind facilities and program offerings on Wednesday, April 27, 2022, from 10:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
· Your invited to join John Wensveen, Chief Innovation Officer, NSU and Executive Director, Alan B. Levan | NSU Broward Center of Innovation, along with the Levan Center Leadership team and various members of staff for an interactive and experiential facilities tour!
· The Levan Center, a 54,000-sq-ft space occupying the top floor of the Alvin Sherman Library of NSU, is an education and economic development engine for Broward County and South Florida, serving as a gateway and connector between entrepreneurs, leading companies, students, and potential investors in the region.
· The Levan Center’s wide breath of technology is a resource for entrepreneurs at all stages of the founder’s journey and includes training individuals in areas such as AI/machine learning, spatial computing, data analytics, blockchain and UX/UI Design.
· Some highlights from the Levan Center facilities tour include:
o CYBERSECURITY RANGE – With a focus on industry-specific and critical infrastructure training, this space is a purpose-built, military grade, cybersecurity range for cybersecurity professionals at all levels (entry, mid-career, and pro) and serves as a mock-SOC (Security Operations Center) where industry and government can upskill current teams, test their systems, and conduct table-top exercises.
o TECHNOLOGY MAKERSPACE – A resource for all founders, entrepreneurs, and community members (via membership), the Makerspace is used by founders to develop prototype, test their products or services, and to train individuals in emerging tech industries such as AI/machine learning, spatial computing, data analytics, blockchain and UX/UI Design.
o NORTH STAR PITCH ROOM – Designated as a showcase and pitch area for funders and entrepreneurs, the North Star Pitch Room offers a state-of-the-art video wall with eighteen screens for visually compelling pitch presentations (the only one in the State of Florida), in addition to live streaming capabilities and can fit over 100 people.
· The Levan Center also offers a full-service media production studio, multiple event spaces, huddle rooms and an expansive coworking space. It also provides users access to humanoid robots and manufacturing robots, 3D printers, AR/VR headsets, 3D Scanners, high performance computers, and access to the 100 Gigabits-per-second (Gbps) Florida LambdaRail network.
DETAILS: This event is free and open to the public. To register, please click HERE.
Please contact innovation@nova.edu for more information.