American Academy, a program within American Heritage Schools, is pleased to host “Mindfulness and Your Child,” a virtual event via Zoom on Thursday, May 19 at 7 p.m. This event is part of American Academy’s monthly program, “Experts in Learning Differences” speaker series. Hosted by Alexandra Rollins, admissions director of the American Academy Program, the expert speaker for the May event is Piero Falci, an author and educator of mindfulness meditation and mindful living.
Mindfulness is a word that means different things to different people. During this event, Falci will explain why it is important to help children practice mindfulness meditation and prepare them to live more mindfully. He equates mindfulness to a sport in which mindfulness meditation is the practice, and mindful living is the game. While practice is important, what one does in practice is of less consequence than their performance during the game. Viewers will truly be inspired by Falci’s wisdom and learn valuable strategies for children to embrace life and become better human beings.
Falci is an educator of mindfulness meditation and mindful living and several well-established programs, such as the acclaimed Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program. He received his training from the teachers at the Center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School and his MBSR Teacher Certification at the Mindfulness Center at Brown University School of Public Health. He also teaches the Mind-Body Skills Group (MBSG) Program developed by the Center for Mind-Body Medicine, as well as the Mindfulness in Schools Project’s .b (DOT-BE) curriculum for teenagers. He has written several books and offers a variety of mindfulness courses on how to apply mindfulness for the improvement of life.
The speaker series is streamed live virtually, as well as available for viewing following each event. The purpose of the speaker series is to educate families about topics that relate to mild learning differences and are relevant today. All of the speakers are experts in the various disciplines of each topic. The American Academy’s goal is to provide families with a safe space to ask questions and strengthen their knowledge about how to ensure the success of their child.
For more information about the speaker series, please visit: https://www.ah-americanacademy.com/speaker-series
To reserve a spot, please visit: https://ahschool.info/MaySpeakerSeries
Limited spots are available for this free, online, and live event.