The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization is hosting a countywide Let’s Go Broward! Scavenger Hunt between Friday, October 30 – Sunday, November 8, 2020, supporting the Florida Department of Transportation’s Mobility Week 2020. The challenge will encourage those who live, work, and play in Broward to get active through walking and biking while exploring and learning about the Broward Complete Streets facilities in their community. The scavenger hunt will highlight Broward landmarks and bike/ped facilities throughout the Broward MPO five districts. The goal is to provide convenience for all participants while educating them on safe facilities within their community.
Participating in the scavenger hunt is simple! Participants will choose a map within the District of their choice, select 3 locations and we encourage them to use alternative modes of transportation (such as biking, walking, or skating). Travel to the designated landmarks and bike/ped facilities, take a selfie or picture of the destination and upload their photos onto social media (Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram), tag @SpeakUpBroward, at least one friend, two or more sponsors, and use the hashtag #LetsGoBroward and #BrowardCompleteStreets! to read the official rules please visit: https://browardmpo.org/images/Official_Rules_-Lets_Go_Broward_ScavengerHuntContest_2020_.pdf
On November 16, 2020 the Broward MPO will host a virtual raffle that will include all qualified participants’ social media handles (ID). Our sponsors at BCycle, Choose 954, Circuit, Flanigan’s, Fort Lauderdale DDA, Jamba Juice, Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital/Safe Kids, Museum of Discovery and Science, Rainbowl Palate Nutrition, and RBX will power the raffle. We will raffle off a brand-new youth bike, four annual BCycle memberships, a family four-pack of tickets to the Museum of Discovery and Science, and more!
To learn more about the scavenger hunt, visit:
To learn more about Broward Complete Street, visit: