Join us for this family friendly event! Doors open at 2 PM and close at 9 PM.
Free Admission- Love Donations gratefully accepted.
Many workshops and activities throughout the day including but not limited to: Archery, Yoga, Labyrinth drumming, Story Telling, Poi/Fire Spinning Demo, Giant Bubble Maker, Hula Hooping, Open Mic Hour. Lots of vendors for your shopping pleasure as well as MEAD, Food ,Sweets and cold drinks will be available for purchase from open to close!
~ Storytelling -2:30 PM and 3:30 PM
~Archer and Axe Throwing – 2:30-3:30 PM
~Yoga workshop- 3:30-4:15 PM- Bring your own mat!
~Labyrinth drumming- Continuous throughout the day
~CBD uses- questions and answers- 4:30 – 5 PM
~Magickal Herbs and Mojo Bags- 5:30-6:30 PM
~Open Mic/Karaoke- 6:30- 7:30 PM
~Poi/Fire spinning demonstration- 8 – 9 PM
Ongoing throughout the day:
Mandala Madness
Giant Bubble Making
Tie dye station
Hula Hooping
Tree Hugging and more………………………………………….
Additional information available HERE.