HANDY (Helping Abused Neglected Disadvantaged Youth) will virtually host its 15th Annual Scholars Breakfast Dream It. Believe It. Become It. on Friday, May 21 from 8 am-10 am virtually via Remo.
• This year’s Dream It. Believe It. Become It. Scholars Breakfast, Presented by Moss Foundation, will recognize HANDY’s 2020-2021 Graduating Scholars, Champions of Children, the Lifetime Award and Legacy Award Recipients.
• In addition, this year’s Breakfast will recognize HANDY’s founding members, whose vision and commitment made HANDY a reality.
• Guests will enjoy breakfast delivered to their home or office while enjoying an uplifting and entertaining program with special guest speaker, Shane Salter.
• HANDY is an award-winning non-profit that provides life skills, education and a supportive community for Broward County children in foster and relative/nonrelative care.
• HANDY was founded in 1985 by Ed Pudaloff, who wished to create something special to help abused and neglected children in the Broward County community. He reached out to two of his closest friends, Marti Huizenga and Kathy Jackson, for help. The three of them started fundraising committees and created scholarship funds, bought clothes for children and celebrated their birthdays. In the beginning, they had two well-known events, Easter for Kids and the Fashion Show, which went on for years before incorporating other events such as the Scholars Breakfast.
Robert Furman, Lieutenant at Broward Sheriff’s Office
Kirk Brown, CEO of HANDY
2021 Graduating Scholars
Savannah Nelson – Atlantic Technical College
Stephanie Guerra – Florida Atlantic University
Brianna Anderson – Barry University
Miwolf Millien – University of South Florida
Ricardo Fortune – University of Florida
Daniel Lindo – Tuskegee University
Gasndy Damus – Florida International University
2020 Graduating Scholars
Gabriel Mason – Bethune-Cookman University
Ke-Ana Durham – Florida International University
Antyon Almonor – University of Central Florida
Arianna Hyppolite – University of South Florida
Kortney Brown – University of Florida
Szatoria Ward – Florida Atlantic University
Alexandra Remy – Sheridan Technical College
Lizbeth Moreno – Florida Atlantic University
Champions of Children Award Winners
The Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation
Sheriff’s Foundation of Broward County
Anthony & Jaye Abbate
Melissa Shiff
Lifetime Award
Katharine Barry
Legacy Award
In Memoriam, Alan Levy
DETAILS: Tickets can be purchased here: https://handyinc.org/events/scholarsbreakfast
For additional details or to learn more about sponsorship opportunities, please contact Jennifer Cohen, Chief Development Officer at jcohen@HANDYinc.org or Liesl Mejias, Development & Marketing Manager at lmejias@HANDYinc.org.