“Get Booked for Ivy” First Annual Ivy Stranahan Memorial Scholarship Fundraiser is granted by Broward College to a student struggling with college costs. Last year’s recipient is a single mother. Fort Lauderdale Woman’s Club is required to raise $2,500, which is matched by Broward College.
Four Fascinating Local Authors will present books:
Tamara Armstrong: Walking the Keys to Happiness
Donna Bruno: One Who Reads Is Always Booked
Elisabeth Falcone: Mommy, Was Grandpa a Nazi? Recipes for Tolerance and Understanding
Mae Sliver: Watch Out Ivy! and Too Hot to Hide
Wednesday, May 4, 2017
$10.00 donation is requested.
6:30 PM for light music, drinks and Hors d’oeuvres, and desserts
7:00 PM Presentations by four authors
8:15 PM Raffle prizes and door prize
FLWC phone (954) 761-9407
Event Phone (954) 692-4368 Email: megtaylormusic@gmail.com
For more information, click on the event link.