FLITE Center to host FLITE Connection Virtual Fall Mixer on Thursday, October 22nd via Zoom.
Community members are invited to join FLITE Center for a Networking Mixer from the comfort of their own home. Participants will have the opportunity to network, while sipping on an In-FLITE Cocktail of the season.
Take part in a pumpkin-carving contest, wear Halloween/fall-themed attire, and enjoy fall-themed activities and music.
Participants have the option to pick up a Pumpkin, Carving Kit and an In-FLITE Cocktail at FLITE Center or use their own supplies and ingredients from home.
All proceeds will benefit FLITE Center and our mission to guide those aging out of foster care and other vulnerable youth for a successful transition to independence through housing, education, employment, and system of care coordination.
After registration you will receive an email with login information.
Business Class Ticket: $20.00 per person- For those who have their own pumpkins and drinks or want to just watch and join in on the fun! (Pumpkin, cocktail & carving kit not included.)
First Class Ticket: $30.00 per person- One ticket and everything you need to take part in the pumpkin-carving contest. Each kit will include an In-FLITE Cocktail, a small pumpkin and carving tools. Available for pick up at FLITE Center: 5201 NW 33rd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309.
Tickets can be purchased here: https://flitecenter.org/connect
For any additional questions or more information, please contact Maria Vo at maria@flitecenter.org or 954-540-7825.