What are you and your dog doing on March 26? Join Share-A-Pet at Coral Ridge Country Club for a mimosa brunch and Egg Hunt for dogs and kids. All proceeds support the Pawsitive Reading program, where having children read to our therapy dogs gives them the confidence to succeed. 84% of high school drop outs are illiterate. Your attendance directly helps to reduce illiteracy. Great prizes and photo opps with the Easter Bunny! Attend the Egg Hunt for dogs and kids, on Saturday, March 26. For more information, visit shareapet.org or our Facebook Event Page
Tickets are
$50 per person,
$15 for children 12 and under,
$0 for children 4 and under, and
$0 for dogs.
If you would like to RSVP via phone, please call us at 954-798-6819. RSVP and prepay by March 22. Tickets will NOT be sold at the door. RSVP is mandatory. Capacity is limited.
For more information, click on the event link.