Canine Assisted Therapy, Inc, is having our giant fundraiser of the year. This is going to be the coolest event ever had! Magicians! Magic Mirrors! Magic Potions! Open Bar!! And Silent and Live Auctions. They have Live Auction items that are incredible- GoodYear Blimp Rides, European Cruise, Atlantis vacation, a stay at the spectacular new guitar hotel at Hard Rock, Memphis Vacation and more! We are honored to have Parkland Mayor Christine Hunschofsky as our special Guest Speaker.
This amazing evening is all to raise money for our therapy dog group, Canine Assisted Therapy. We have touched more than 300,000 people with our volunteer teams. We have been in Oprah magazine, People Magazine, WedMD, all featuring the work we do and our phenomenal dogs. Come see all the magic our Canine Teams can do!