Now in its 22nd year, Riverwalk Tribute has recognized community leaders for their many contributions to the growth and development of the City of Fort Lauderdale and the Riverwalk District. This year’s event honors a group of individuals who have made a significant impact in the City and with Riverwalk.
Courtney & Jason Crush of Crush Law
Jim Ellis of Ellis Diversified
Joe Cox & Jon Ferrando of the Museum of Discovery & Science
Peggy Nordeen & Jacqui Hartnett of Starmark
This distinctive event will take place on Thursday, May 12th, 2022 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Riverside Hotel with an exclusive VIP reception from 5:00pm to 6:00pm. Exquisite food, sensational spirits and festive entertainment will be on hand as more than 300 business executives and community leaders gather while paying tribute to the honorees.
Courtney & Jason Crush of Crush Law have represented numerous charities, restaurants, and developers who have shaped our skyline while building a vibrant community.
Jim Ellis of Ellis Diversified has been a fixture in the community from his days at Blockbuster Video to spearheading projects throughout the City. In addition, he has chaired and supported a number of not for profit institutions and been instrumental in insuring that our Downtown has ample green space.
Joe Cox and Jon Ferrando have taken the Museum of Discovery & Science to new levels by expanding the footprint, bringing unique exhibits and educational opportunities to Fort Lauderdale and serving more than 400,000 school children each year.
Peggy Nordeen and Jacqui Hartnett of Starmark have helped to make Greater Fort Lauderdale an international destination and they have guided industries such as Hospitality & Tourism, Higher Education, Healthcare, B2B and Technology to showcase our community.
In addition to honoring these individuals, the 22nd Annual Riverwalk Tribute helps to raise funds for Riverwalk Fort Lauderdale whose mission is “to be the catalyst in building and nurturing Riverwalk and the Riverwalk district as a vibrant community connected by the New River.”
In addition, there will be a silent auction with a variety of items including stay-cations, dinner packages, unique experiences and more.
NOTE: Current Riverwalk members receive a discount on their tickets. Please contact Patrick Harris at (954) 468-1541 x206 or patrick@goriverwalk.com to verify your membership status or to renew.
SPONSORS: Ellis Diversified, Inc., Riverside Hotel/Las Olas Company, Starmark, Fort Lauderdale Downtown Development Authority, Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance, RV Retailer LLC, Lochrie & Chakas P. A., Ropes Associates, Tower Club Fort Lauderdale, Centennial Bank, Valley Bank, Republic National Distributing Company, The Galleria at Fort Lauderdale, Hotwire Communications, The Media Lab, M. Austin Forman, Ocean Land Investments, Ellis Connects, S. Mark Graphics, and Go Riverwalk Magazine. Additional sponsorships are available, contact Patrick Harris at (954) 468-1541 x206 or Patrick@goriverwalk.com.