Community Foundation of Broward, the Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Broward County and United Way of Broward County are joining together to celebrate the 21st year of providing in-depth best practices seminars to local tax and estate professionals by holding the 21st Annual Joint Tax & Estate Planning Seminar on Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at Nova Southeastern University (NSU) in Davie from 7:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m. The seminar is a vital educational forum for attorneys, certified public accountants, investment consultants, financial advisors, and business professionals throughout Broward County.
This year’s Joint Tax Seminar will build on a tradition of a cutting-edge presentation by a nationally recognized speaker, superior educational experience and prime networking opportunities. This year’s featured guest speaker is Christopher Hoyt, Professor, University of Missouri (Kansas City) School of Law. Hoyt’s keynote address will examine the rules and tax planning implications for distributions from retirement accounts, including the proposed changes contained in the February 2022 proposed regulations. The session will also examine the legal rights that one spouse has in the other’s retirement assets, and the most tax-efficient way to transfer IRA assets to charities through qualified charitable distributions (“QCDs”) and testamentary transfers to charitable remainder trusts.
More than 400 legal and financial professionals are expected to attend the event which is recognized as South Florida’s premier Tax and Estate Planning Event. The Joint Tax Seminar will begin with a light breakfast at Nova Southeastern and will be followed by the seminar at the Alfred Miniaci Performing Arts Center, also on the NSU Campus.
To register or request more information about the 21th Annual Joint Tax & Estate Planning Seminar, please visit www.jointtaxandestate.com or call 754-422-1672. This seminar will apply for 2 hours of continuing education credits for the following disciplines: The Florida Bar (CLE), CPE (Accountancy), Certified Financial Planners (CFP®), and ABA-CTFA. Please visit the website for COVID-19 updates.
Event sponsorships are still available, and you can contact Rocio Arias, at 754-422-1672 or info@jointtaxandestate.com for more information.