2020 has been very challenging! We are counting on dedicated partners like you to stand in the gap and help us to continue providing quality services to men, women and families with children experiencing homelessness. We are asking you to please support the 2020 Breakfast for Champions of the Homeless, Breakfast in Bed.
This year’s event is themed Breakfast in Bed and we are asking our supporters to enjoy the 2020 Breakfast for Champions of the Homeless from the comfort and safety of their own homes. To provide our participants with a breakfast experience, we are sending “Thank You” gift boxes to Breakfast for Champions of the Homeless supporters.
Who is up for a little competition? When your Breakfast in Bed gift box arrives,
- Take a photo or selfie, in your holiday PJ’s with your breakfast in bed gift box
- Post and share on Facebook and social media
- Tag @BPHIworks, #breakfastforchampionsofthehomeless
- Photo with the most likes & shares on Facebook by 3pm on Dec. 4, will win an award!
Please be sure we have the address where you would like your Breakfast in Bed gift box to be delivered, email to ncarter@bphi.org
Additional information available HERE.