United Way of Broward County’s Commission on Behavioral Health & Drug Prevention’s Mental Health Promotion Action Team presents “Preventing Compassion Fatigue” on Thursday, February 23rd at Nova Southeastern University.
· Ideal for those working in the mental and behavioral health space as providers, peers, advocates, caregivers, and other helpers, this event will include a free, interactive training session to help those participating better understand and learn strategies to prevent compassion fatigue, stress, and burnout in their everyday lives.
· The workshop will feature a presentation by Licensed Psychologist, Dr. Marsha D. Brown, along with Cathy Whitt and Elizabeth Veras who will lead hands-on chair yoga and mindfulness exercises, respectively. Dr. Brown works with organizations to teach their teams to conquer stress by setting boundaries. With over 15 years of experience, she is regularly sought out by professional and media organizations for her expertise in mental health, burnout, conquering stress, and self-care.
· The event is sponsored by United Way of Broward County’s Commission on Behavioral Health & Drug Prevention, the Broward Behavioral Health Coalition, and the Department of Children and Families.
WHERE: Chancellor’s Dining Room (1596-A, 5th Floor)
Terry Administration Building
Nova Southeastern University
3200 South University Drive
Davie, FL 33328
DETAILS: This event is FREE to attend and CEUs are available upon request. To register, please visit www.UnitedWayBroward.org/CompassionFatigue
For more information, please contact Coraal Cohen at 954.308.9275 or ccohen@UnitedWayBroward.org