History Fort Lauderdale, celebrating 60 years of being the proud steward of our community’s past by making our heritage accessible and engaging to residents and visitors, is proud to present “I Am What I Am: A Tribute to South Florida’s Drag Pioneers,” in honor of PRIDE Month (June 2022). This exciting and interactive free experience at Galleria Fort Lauderdale will pay tribute to the drag community who tirelessly entertain and support philanthropic endeavors. The retrospective kicks off with an official Stonewall PRIDE Month event celebration on Tuesday, May 31, at 6 p.m., at Galleria Fort Lauderdale featuring a special pioneer presentation, an opportunity to meet the pioneers and surprise guest performances.
Six drag pioneers – South Florida’s own Nikki Adams, Tiffany Arieagus, Cathy Craig, Daisy Deadpetals, Electra and Latrice Royale – who, based on their longevity, entrepreneurship, roles on local television and international fame – will be spotlighted. Images from the past and present, plus videos, costumes and artifacts will be shared to highlight their success. A photo wall of fame will showcase many other amazing local performers who currently grace the stages in bars, nightclubs, casinos and theater productions.
“History Fort Lauderdale is thrilled to pay homage to these endearing, enthralling and larger-than-life personalities who make our community a more colorful, creative and inclusive place to live and visit,” said Patricia Zeiler, executive director of History Fort Lauderdale. “The LGBT+ community has been dedicated supporters of and contributors to the vibrant fabric of Fort Lauderdale’s world-class arts scene and we’re excited to celebrate their contributions during PRIDE month and beyond.”
“I Am What I Am: A Tribute to South Florida’s Drag Pioneers is sponsored to date by Our Fund, HotSpots Media Group, Lips Fort Lauderdale, Galleria Fort Lauderdale, OutClique and GPR | Goodman Public Relations. Tickets to the May 31 “I Am What I Am: A Tribute to South Florida’s Drag Pioneers” Stonewall PRIDE Month kick off will be available for sale at a later date.
For more information about History Fort Lauderdale, please call (954) 463-4431 or visit us online at historyfortlauderdale.org. Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/ftlhistory, on Instagram @ftlhistory and on Twitter @FTLHistory. Subscribe to us on YouTube at youtube.com/user/FTLhistory.
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History Fort Lauderdale
History Fort Lauderdale, now celebrating 60 years, brings the stories of our diverse community to life through engaging educational experiences, innovative cultural exhibits, research and preservation of artifacts. Residents and visitors to Fort Lauderdale are invited to explore the city’s rich past that is housed in historic buildings on a lushly landscaped campus – the History Museum of Fort Lauderdale situated in the 1905 New River Inn, the 1907 Pioneer House Museum, the 1899 Ivy Cromartie Schoolhouse Museum and the Hoch Research Library, South Florida’s foremost history center housing print resources and newspapers from 1910 – present plus 400,000 archival photos, 2,500 maps and 5,000 architectural blueprints. History Fort Lauderdale is located at 231 SW Second Avenue in Fort Lauderdale. Museum hours are Monday – Friday from noon – 4 p.m. and Saturdays and Sundays from 9:30 a.m. – 4 p.m. Tickets are available online at http://bit.ly/HistoryFortLauderdaleTickets. History Fort Lauderdale is a nonprofit agency supported by memberships, grants and charitable contributions. Follow History Fort Lauderdale on Facebook at facebook.com/ftlhistory and on Instagram @ftlhistory and subscribe on YouTube at youtube.com/user/FTLhistory.