Meet the Author

Meet the Author


Thursday, October 14, 2021    
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Event Type

History Fort Lauderdale, proud steward of our community’s past by making our heritage accessible and engaging to residents and visitors, will feature beloved award-winning children’s author, adventurer and historian Harvey E. Oyer, III on the next October 14 noon segment of its “Meet the Author” interactive Zoom series. The free series takes place on the second Thursday of each month. Viewers may register at

Harvey E. Oyer, III is a fifth generation Floridian and is descended from one of the earliest pioneer families in South Florida. He is the great-great grandson of Captain Hannibal Dillingham Pierce and his wife Margretta Moore Pierce, who in 1872 became one of the first non-Native American families to settle in Southeast Florida. Oyer is the great-grandnephew of Charlie Pierce, the subject of his best-selling children’s book series, Adventures of Charlie Pierce, which has won numerous awards. Copies of the series are available for purchase at

A partner in the law firm of Shutts & Bowen LLP and formerly an adjunct professor of law at the University of Miami School of Law and an adjunct professor at Florida Atlantic University Honors College,  Oyer is a fifth generation native Floridian and served for seven years as the chairman of the Historical Society of Palm Beach County.

Registration and additional information available HERE.

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