Join us on Tuesday, December 29 at 6:30 pm for a virtual tour of the Tom of Finland exhibition at Galerie Judin in Berlin.
Former Creative Director of Bruno Gmunder Books, Mischa Gawronski, will be joining Executive Director Hunter O’Hanian for the virtual tour of the exhibition. Be sure not to miss it!
The event is free, open to the public, and conducted via ZOOM.
Register here for the link and password.
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About Tom of Finland
Tom of Finland is a gay icon. His drawings of well-built men in rugged attire and his depictions of man-to-man lust, shaped a strong image of gay identity. He drew males having sex without shame, proud and full of confidence. Tom of Finland is the artist’s name of Touko Laaksonen (1920—1991). He signed his erotic work “Tom” and when his drawings were first published in 1957, the now world-famous “Tom of Finland” was born.
About Mischa Gawronski
Artist, writer, and editor Mischa (pronouns he/him) is the former Creative Director of Bruno Gmunder Books in Berlin and is responsible for producing dozens of books on gay art. He is the co-founder of Independent Gay Projects in Berlin.