The Jewish Museum of Florida-FIU and Global Jewish Studies Program presents BLACK LIVES IN A JEWISH CONTEXT, a virtual series of illustrated lectures, films, and interviews with scholars, historians, and clergy members around diversity and intersectionality within Judaism. These will include key players from Chief Rabbi Capers Funnye (Michelle Obama’s cousin) to the spiritual head of the Black Jewish community in Zimbabwe to scholars and activists in the US including Dr. Nathan Devir, and Dr. Shalva Weil. The series will also feature a virtual lau
Monday, October 12 at 7pm
African Jewish Perceptions on Racial and Religious Discrimination
Nathan P. Devir, University of Utah
Monday, October 26 at 12pm
From Red to Black: The Changing Colour of Ethiopian Jews in Israel
Shalva Weil, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Monday, November 9 at 7pm
Hybrid Hate: Conflations of Anti-Black Racism and Anti-Semitism from the Renaissance to the Third Reich
Tudor Parfitt, Florida International University