WHAT: The Broward County Medical Association
Plans Women’s Physician’s Networking Social
At B Ocean Resort
WHEN: Wednesday, August 23rd – 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
WHERE: The B Ocean Resort
1140 Seabreeze Blvd., Fort Lauderdale 33316
COST: Free to BCMA Women Physicians Members, $100 for non-members or $150.00 to join and the event is free
EVENT: “These events offer Women Physicians in Broward County the opportunity to network and socialize with their colleagues…and have fun doing it,” said Dr. Shahnaz Fatteh, who is co-chairing the event with Dr. Vania Fernandez and Dr. Anele Manfredini. The Women’s Physicians are part of the Broward County Medical Association. Guests will enjoy appetizers, wine, socializing and networking within the ambiance of this unique setting.”
Who: The Broward County Medical Association (BCMA) dates back to 1926 with a defined mission to promote and preserve the highest standards of medical care and foster the ethical principles of the medical profession. Despite the increasing influence of business on health care, the BCMA works to uphold the standards of excellence in our medical community. The BCMA addresses the myriad of social, political and economic issues confronting patients. We welcome your input on the health care needs of our community.
Misc: “We are making the main goal of fund raising this year the “Physicians Wellness Program,” said Cynthia Peterson, Chief Executive Officer of the Broward County Medical Association. Physicians face an increased risk of suicide, with an estimated 300-400 suicides per year. There is an increased stress of managed care, EMR’s, reduced reimbursement and increased expenses. For these reasons, many physicians face burnout and depression. Unfortunately, many do not seek mental health treatment. Some programs are already set up across the country, and the BCMA will be setting up one in 2018. It will require a lot of funding to have such a confidential program.
Contact: Call Cynthia Peterson, Chief Executive Officer of the Broward County Medical Association at (954) 714-9772 or e-mail cpeterson@bcma.com.
For more information, click on the event link.